Hi folks,
With one week to go until D Day for baby #2, I'm still busy working away on my laptop. I've been rather confined the last few days as I'm now on cruthes (??!!), but not long to go now!!
If you head on over to the official Facebook page you'll notice a couple of changes there leading to the new album
With the new Timeline coming into being I thought it might be time to start the updating, even if we do have a while to go!
One the album front, Jez will be spending much of March mixing. I'm pretty excited and can't wait to get back into the studio by the end of March to re evaluate everything.
I've also made a start on the goodies for all you wonderful Pledgers out there. I've dug out my Calligraphy pens and have been re-learning the Roman script, and I have to say, they're looking lovely so far.
More plans are under way to get some locations sorted for the 'River Man' video. All we need now is a nice placid baby and a speedy recovery!!
Anna x