Sunday, 12 June 2011

Lazy Bishop - Cancelled Set

The Lazy Bishop festival is a lovely local music festival and the team have put a lot of work into expanding this into something more far reaching. I appreciate that the weather took an awful turn for the worse and had a devastating effect on the numbers of attendees, and the main stage, resulting in it being closed down. What I don’t appreciate is having already completed two shows this weekend and getting my percussionist, who travelled down from Cambridge, to play, only to find we’d being bumped from the line up an hour before we were due to go on.

I apologise if this sounds like a rant/moan, I’m not usually one to do this, but having invested time in helping promote the festival I find it embarrassing and insulting to not even be allowed to play 2/3 songs in the half hour spaces left between each act. I’m used to festivals changing line ups, cutting set times, moving things around, and that’s fine. However I’m pretty sure that having advertised an act it would have been better to find a way of accommodating the last 3 to 4 acts, even if it was only for half of the original set.

If you went to the Lazy Bishop Festival only to find we were not on I can only apologise.

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